Introduction to Selenium training:
Selenium training is an open source functional automation tool. The process of converting manual test cases to test scripts with the help of some automation tool is nothing but automation. Here the main use of the automation tool is saving time. Selenium was created by Jason Huggins in the year 2004. It is a set of software tools to automate the web browser. Automate web browser means to automate the network established presentations, not for desktop applications or windows based client-server applications. It supports only web applications it does not support windows based client-server application. Selenium training supports various operating environment to conduct functional and regression test automation.
IdesTrainings provide the Selenium 3.14 Certification training with subject matter experts who have a good experience in their primary skills.
What are the prerequisites for this Selenium Training Course?
Prior knowledge of the following programming languages and technologies will be helpful:
- Core Java
To refresh your skills, you will get the following Self-paced modules as prerequisites in your LMS:
- Core Java
Selenium Corporate Training Outline Details:
- Course Name: Selenium Training
- Mode of Training: We provide Online Training and Corporate Training for Selenium Course
- Duration of Course:30 Hrs (Can be customized as per the requirement)
- Do you Provide Materials: Yes, If you register with IdesTrainings, the Selenium Training Materials will be provided.
- Course Fee: After register with IdesTrainings, our coordinator will contact you.
- Trainer Experience:15 years+ of experience
- Timings: According to one’s feasibility
- Batch Type: We provide all types of batches like Regular, Weekends and Fast track
- Backup Session: If the student misses the session, we also provide backup session

Preview of Selenium Training:
It is a very commanding tool used for automating web applications. It supplies full control over automation using powerful frameworks.
Overview of selenium training:
- Selenium training maintains various operating environments like Microsoft Windows, Linux whereas uft supports Microsoft windows only and also supports several browser environments like Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, Google chrome, opera, safari and here first three are industry leading browsers.
- You might be wondering, In QA Selenium webdriver testing online training selenium IDE is one of the tools in the set of tools doesn’t support all browsers except Firefox in Firefox plug-in only we can create and execute test cases. It supports many programming environments to write programs that is test script and uses the programming languages like java, c#, Perl, ruby, python, and PHP and mainly java is used for selenium training.
- Selenium IDE test case avoidance arrangement is .html and is not appropriate for difficult test case design but java programming is used to develop the test cases. Its supporting environments are operating environment, application environment, programming environment and browser environment. If you want to learn more about this course, Idestrainings provide Selenium training with live projects. Please don’t miss this excellent opportunity. Hurry Up!!
- Selenium training writes in java means java is extra comfortable through that we can utilize previous support language too fine support for selenium with java we can obtain additional advantage out documents and program applications from the internet, core java is enough for selenium training Advantages are it supports parallel test execution and also uses fewer hardware resources.
- Disadvantages are no reliable support from anybody, limited support for image-based testing and new features may not work properly, difficulty to set up the environment and difficult to use. Our trainers will provide in-depth knowledge of Selenium training. We also provide Java training along with selenium training which helps you to acquire more knowledge about Java.
Who can learn Selenium?
The Automation Testing market is growing significantly across the world, and such a strong growth pattern followed by market demand is an excellent opportunity for the following IT Professionals.
- Software Testers
- QA Engineers
- System Analysts
- Software Developers
- System Administrators
If you are one of the above, then do not hesitate to talk to our assistant team and enroll today with our Selenium online training.
Learn Importance of Selenium in our Selenium 3.14 Certification training:
- Selenium is a set of software tools used for automating web browsers. Selenium first came to life in 2004. Anybody can download and use the Selenium License. Since it is an open source anybody can modify and distribute the code but selling the modified code is not allowed.
- Selenium supports Application environment such as web apps and Operating environment such as Windows, Mac, Linux. Web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari. Coming to the programming languages Selenium supports Java, C#, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby.
- Selenium suite of tools has 4 components Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Web Driver, Selenium Grid.
- Selenium IDE provides Graphical User Interface(GUI) for recording user actions. Selenium RC is a Client/Server software. Now it is used only for maintenance projects and it takes more time for test execution. Selenium WebDriver is a programming interface. Selenium Grid is used to grouping tests. And is used to execute tests in parallel.
- Selenium supports only web based applications, neither windows based app nor command user interface. It does not have Reliable support from anybody. It does not maintain Centralized objects and it is bit difficult to set up environment and there is a limited support for Image testing which means you can test only few images at a time.
- It does not use other tool integration for test management and there is no built in reporting facility.
Learn Selenium Vs UFT in our Selenium Training:
- Selenium is an open source, no license cost is required whereas UFT is Vendor base tool and cost is required.
- Selenium supports web based apps only whereas UFT supports Web and windows based apps.
- Selenium supports Windows, Mac, Linux whereas UFT supports only Windows.
- Selenium supports Firefox, chrome, IE, Safari whereas UFT supports IE only.
- Selenium supports Java, C#, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby whereas UFT supports VB script only
- Limited support for Image testing in Selenium, Rich support for Image testing in UFT
- In Selenium no reliable technical support is found, In UFT HP provides technical support
- In Selenium, New features may not work properly, In UFT new features will work properly
- In selenium, no object repository and no centralized maintenance of objects found. In UFT, there is object repository and centralized maintenance of objects found.
- In selenium, No authorized certification whereas in UFT HP conducts certifications.
- In selenium no other tools are integrated whereas in UFT ALM can be integrated for Test Management.
What is TestNG testing Framework?
- TestNG testing framework is designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs from unit testing to system testing.
- What’s the bottom line? It is being established on behalf of unit testing besides at present we used this for all kinds of testing. If you are passionate in learning this course, we provide Selenium corporate training with real time scenarios.
- TestNG is a vulnerable basis agenda anywhere NG stands for next generation.
- Testing stimulated from Java platform as well as .net platform and introduce a few new functionalities that make it extra controlling plus easier to employ.
Learn the Advantages of TestNG framework in Selenium Training:
- TestNG comments are simple to build test cases.
- Test cases are group plus arranged more simply.
- Supports parameterization.
- Supports material resolute testing and evidence earners.
- Creates HTML reports
- Parallel test execution is possible
- It ropes adding through previous tools in addition to plugins like eclipse IDE, build tools ANT, maven etc…
Learn APPIUM in our Selenium Training:
- Appium originates its backgrounds from Selenium training and it habits JSON Wire Protocol within to interrelate with iOS and Android apps using Selenium’s Webdriver. If you are passionate in learning this course, we are best in providing Selenium online training by professionals.
- Appium is a vulnerable basis test automation framework or tool for mechanizing mobile software applications and it was developed in 2012. We have two types of software’s primarily one is computer software and the other one is mobile software. In computer software, we can find desktop applications, web applications. In mobile software, we have three types of applications.
- Appium training maintains all these three types of software applications one is native applications and the second one is mobile web applications and the other is the hybrid application. Native apps live on the method and are retrieved through icons on the device home screen they are mounted through a submission supply such as Google play, Apple App store.
- Web apps are not real apps they are websites deposited on a remote server and supplied over the internet through a web browser. Hybrid applications are just like native applications run on the device they have combination through a device file scheme and combination with web-based services they can interact with the internet. If you are interested in doing certifications, Idestrainings provide Selenium training with certifications.
- Appium supports automaton and IOS devices. It derives IOS and automaton apps using web driver Android is a vulnerable basis OS for mobile devices such as the Smartphone, tablet computer maintained by Google, submitting customer’s admission to Google’s own amenities like search, YouTube, maps, Gmail etc…. IOS means iPhone operating system is a mobile operating system industrialized by Apple Inc and distributed wholly for apple hardware.
- Do I have your attention? Appium training currently authorities numerous of the company’s mobile devices comprising the iPhone, iPod, and iPod touch. Appium allows android and IOS automation using selenium webdriver . The similar web driver binding can be used through web and mobile.
Learn Java for selenium training:
- Java was developed by sun microsystem and the creator of java training is James Gosling. Actually, sun microsystem decided to develop common remote control this project was given to James Gosling. James Gosling formed the team with members Patrick Naughton, worth, Sheridan and others and James Gosling named that project as the green project.
- They explore so many languages but no language is supporting all the requirements in order to develop CRC. Finally, the team decided to explore a new language this was finished in the year 1991 and they gave the name for that language as OAK that is object analyze knowledge. But due to some naming problems they changed the language name as Java. Are you ready to learn advance topics in this course? We provide Selenium training with real time use cases.
- Java represents an island located in Indonesia. The symbol of java training is cup and saucer. James Gosling and his team are called as java soft people and finally, Java was released in the year 1995 and the common remote control name is star7. According to sun Microsystems, there are three modules in java programming suite they are JSE/J2SE, JEE/ J2EE, and JME/J2ME. JSE/J2SE is also called as core java. We will also provide Java at Idestraining’s by industry experts along with Selenium training.java training will be provided during training in a detailed manner by well-experienced trainers. To know more details about this module contact our help desk.
Conclusion for selenium training:
- Here mainly selenium training is used to do the work fast when compared to Manual testing training. In selenium training not only java other languages which relates to selenium can also be used. Average pay scale for Selenium can be up to 8L-10L per annum. Selenium training supports six programming environments for writing programs they are JAVA, C# sharp, Perl, PHP, Python, and ruby. Here we are using JAVA. Selenium written in Java the situation does not mean that java training is extra companionable through selenium.
- Now a day’s every organisation is using Selenium for automating their web applications as it reduces the manual effort. So trust me, there is a huge scope in the market. What are you waiting for? Come , Learn and be the part of Selenium and enjoy the features of it. Join today in Idestrainings for best Selenium training. For more information please do contact our help desk.