Introduction of Robotium Job Support:
Robotium Job Support is for developers to develop to make it easy to write complex black box test cases for android applications. Robotium is an open source framework built for android applications. The test cases are developed mainly for popular file manager on android market. There is no need of source code for file manager in Robotium. In Robotium test cases will starts by sending the Menu key, which means that the menu should open and then we should able to go through text preferences to edit file extensions.
Robotium open source tool for people mainly for contributors who thinking in many ways and giving advices. For automating hybrid and native applications Robotium is used as android testing framework. We can also call this as a referencing or installing since Robotium is actually a jar file. And we have to add the jar file in android test project. Robotium for mobile automation testing important as the applications developed for mobiles which are getting complex and in near future. The automation won’t be separate applications for desktop applications or web applications and mobile applications as Microsoft call it as universal applications. Where the applications developed for one platform can support any types of platform it can be a mobile platform or it can be a desktop platform or it can be even Xbox platform. In future android applications can also perform the same kind of operations. In this Robotium Job Support testing is getting equally important for the android applications as like web and desktop applications.
Robotium Job Support is providing guidance for you, how the applications are actually build in android. We are giving clear understanding of, how the applications are built and how the internal systems of the android works. By that it becomes very easy for you to test the applications under test. The main purpose of this job support for you, to develop your first calculator applications for android. Our senior consultants are always available for Appium Job Support from India.
What is Robotium Job Support?
Robotium Job Support is a referencing calculator application and writing a simple code with Robotium identifying UI objects in Robotium and framework design. It is a powerful android test framework using for hybrid and native android mobile applications testing against mobile devices or emulators. With our job support it is easy to write powerful and robust automatic tests for android applications. By using Robotium testers, you can develop system functions, test scenarios and many android activities which are accepted by user. In the beginning Robotium was available as open source framework for Android test automation. However now the Robotium recorder is becomes as licensed tool.
In Robotium Job Support Robotium recorder is available as a plugin for android studio and eclipse. It helps in recording and creating professional android UI test cases. Robotium recorder has full support for native and hybrid android applications and records all user interactions being performed. For testing of Robotium Java and Android SDK should be installed on your machine which is going to be used for testing. The environment variables for Java and Android are set in users and system variables. It is also used for both source code and apk available android project test cases. For both Eclipse and Android studio Robotium recorder is available as a plugin. VJS is also providing the best Selenium Job Support with all the aspects at affordable price.
The automation process in this job support has divided into four different stages first one Recorder installation and it is one time activity. Second one is recording mobile test sequence. Third one is editing and modifying recorded test flow and fourth one is executing automated tests against target devices for mobile application. In this job support we will cover all stages of automation process in Robotium.
Benefits of Robotium Job Support:
Like every automation tool has its own benefits of use. Likewise Robotium Job Support has many advantages. Some of those benefits are as follows
- The main benefit of Robotium Job Support is the availability of its plugin for Android studio and Eclipse, which are most widely used for Android application development and so easy for everyone to use.
- IDESTRAININGS has technical experts to provide Automation Testing Job Support at flexible times.
- With the basic idea of application test, you can develop powerful test cases and the execution of test cases are also easy and fast.
- The code in Robotium is very short and simple and it is very easy to write.
- To test mobile applications on emulators and mobile devices you can able to record user actions easily by using Robotium recorder.
- In this job support we will provide full support for native and hybrid Android applications automation.
- Robotium can be used with source code of the application or even with the APK files for script automation.
- From command line you can do execution and triggering by using Robotium in a quick time.
- For any kind of Android version, we will be helpful in this job support to develop Automation script.
- For screen size and resolution of android mobile device, you can write independent script also.
- On Android device you can able to handle multiple activities automatically at a time.
- By comparing with tests of standard instrumentation, the readability is very well improved in test cases.
- IDESTRAININGS has best consultants for Mobile Testing Job Support, they will guide on your working project.
Overview of Robotium Job Support:
Robotium Job Support is helpful for employees and working professional, who got job, but have less skills and facing complications. People who have basic knowledge on Java programmatic language and Android SDK, for them also we will provide trainers for this job support. We are having experienced professional consultants from India, and they will give Job Support for employees who are working in other countries. Our consultants are always available through online and they will give valuable guidance which is helpful for your profession. With our job support you will be able to write simple and powerful Robotium codes to test native and hybrid android mobile applications. This job support is mainly for mobile automation testing and is important as the applications developed for mobiles which are getting complex and in near future.
Robotium Job Support is provided by IDESTRAININGS, it is an reputed and leading online technical job supporting cloud. We are providing the best job support for students and employees for an reasonable price. Our consultants are experts to complete project at clients deadline with full of accuracy. To know more about Robotium Job Support please check our website IDESTRAININGS.COM