Microsoft .Net Framework Introduction
The Microsoft .Net Framework is a platform that provides tools and technologies you need to build Networked Applications as well as Distributed Web Services and Web Applications. The .Net Framework provides the necessary compile time and run-time foundation to build and run any language that conforms to the Common Language Specification (CLS).
Microsoft .Net Framework Job Support
The name Microsoft .NET Framework itself is an bit of a misnomer. A framework in an programming terms is really an collection of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) & a shared library of the code that developers can call when developing applications, so they don’t have to write the code from the scratch. In the Microsoft .NET Framework, that the library of shared code is named the Framework Class Library (FCL). The bits of code in the shared library can perform all kinds of different functions. Say, for eg, a developer needed their application to be able to ping another IP address on network. Instead of writing that code themselves, & then writing all the little bits & pieces that have to interpret what the ping results mean, they can use code from the library that performs that function.
The Microsoft .NET Framework is an comprehensive & consistent programming model for building the applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless & secure communication, & the ability to model an range of business processes.
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 redistributable package installs the .NET Framework runtime & associated files that are required to run & develop applications to target the .NET Framework 4. The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with the older Framework versions. Applications that are based on the earlier versions of the Framework will continue to run on the version targeted by default.