Introduction to AWS DevOps Training:
AWS DevOps is used for faster delivery of software deployment and in order to stay competitive in the market, companies are expected to deploy quality software in defined timelines. This is the reason why, AWS comes in as one of the best cloud service, learning of DevOps helps in reducing time for cycles of development and also ensures a faster rate of innovation. Dive deep into AWS DevOps training with Ides trainings as we provide best Online training, Corporate training and Classroom training by expertised trainers. At Idestrainings, we also provide virtual job support. Start building your AWS DevOps career with Idestrainings. Register with IdesTrainings to get the best AWS DevOps training. We provide Classroom training at client premises like Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, etc.
Prerequisites for AWS DevOps Training:
The expertise of one or more high-level programming languages such as Java, C#, PHP, Ruby or Python.
Systems Operations on AWS or Developing on AWS
Knowledge of administering Windows or Linux systems at the command-line level
Real-time experience with AWS using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface.
Course Outline for AWS DevOps
Program Name: AWS DevOps Training
Duration of Course: 30 Hours (It can be customized as per the requirement).
Mode of training: We provide Online, Corporate, and Classroom training. We also provide Virtual Job Support.
Timings: According to one’s feasibility.
Trainer Experience: 10+ years.
Course Fee: Please register on our website, so that one of our coordinator will assist you.
Batch Type: Regular, weekends and fast track.
Do you provide Materials: Yes, we will provide materials for AWS DevOps Training, only if you register with IdesTrainings.
Online Mode: WEBEX, GoToMeeting OR SKYPE.
Basic Requirements: Good Internet Speed, Headset.
Course Content for AWS DevOps Training
Topic 1: Preface to Cloud Computing & AWS
1.1 What is Cloud Computing
1.2 How AWS is the leader in the cloud domain
1.3 Several cloud computing products offered by AWS
1.4 Preface to AWS S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI
1.5 Getting an elaborated understanding of the AWS architecture and the AWS Management Console
1.6 Preface to AWS EC2
1.7 Comparing Public IP and Elastic IP
1.8 Illustrating how to launch an AWS EC2 instance
1.9 What is auto scaling
1.10 AWS EC2 best practices and cost involved
1.11 Comprehending multiple concepts of backup services in AWS
Topic 2: Database services
2.1 Elastic Block Storage (EBS) for block level persistent storage volumes with S3 buckets
2.2 Comprehending Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora which are relational databases
2.3 Amazon DynamoDB which is a NoSQL database
2.4 Comprehending Amazon Redshift which is a data warehousing product
2.5 Amazon ElasticCache which is an in-memory data store
2.6 Implementing AWS database migration service
Topic 3: Object Storage
3.1 Preface to AWS storage
3.2 AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
3.3 Creating an AWS S3 bucket
3.4 AWS Storage Gateway
3.5 Comprehending the Command Line Interface (CLI)
3.6 Hosting a static website using Amazon S3
3.7 Amazon Glacier storage for long-term data backup and archiving
3.8 Amazon Snowball for data import/export
Topic 4: Autoscaling and load balancing
4.1 Comprehending Fault Tolerance in AWS
4.2 In-depth study of Elastic Load Balancing
4.3 The Variety of Load Balancers viz. Classic and Application
4.4 AWS Auto Scaling mechanism
4.5 Comprehending AWS Management Console
4.6 How to access the Elastic Load Balancing
4.7 Learning AWS SDK, AWS CLI and Https Query API
Topic 5: Virtual Private Cloud
5.1 What is Amazon VPC
5.2 VPC as a networking layer for EC2
5.3 Getting started with VPC
5.4 Examples
5.5 VPC and Subnets
5.6 Default and non-default VPCs
5.7 Components of VPC networking
5.8 IP addressing
5.9 Security
5.10 VPN connections
5.11 Accessing the internet
5.12 Applying AWS PrivateLink to access the services
5.13 VPC supported platforms
Topic 6: Application services, AWS Lambda and CLI
6.1 Preface to various AWS application services
6.2 Elastic Beanstalk
6.3 Simple Email Services (SES)
6.4 Simple Notification Service (SNS)
6.5 AWS Lambda
6.6 Elastic OpsWorks and CLI
Topic 7: IAM and monitoring
7.1 Authentication (who can use) and Authorization (level of access)
7.2 IAM Policies – JSON structure, users, groups and their Roles
7.4 Logging IAM events with AWS CloudTrail
7.5 Monitoring and handling AWS resources using CloudWatch
7.6 Implementing composition alerts and notifications with CloudWatch
7.7 Billing for CloudWatch
Topic 8: Composition management and automation
8.1 Composition management and automation of server composition using OpsWorks
8.2 Resolving how servers are configured, managed and implemented across EC2 instances
8.3 Setting up a virtual machine using Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
8.4 Preface to the Domain Name Registration service AWS Route 53
8.5 How to route internet traffic to resources
8.6 Checking health of resources automatically
8.7 Equipping of infrastructure resources using AWS CloudFormation
Topic 9: Architecting AWS – whitepaper
9.1 Important guidelines for setting up a well architected AWS framework that is resilient and performant
9.2 Outlining of fault-tolerant and high-availability architecture, resilient storage, decoupling mechanism, multi-tier architecture solution, disaster recovery solution, efficient and elastic solutions
Topic 10: AWS Architect Questions
10.1 Guidance for getting through the exam
10.2 Most convenient interview questions and other helpful tips to get through the exam and interview
Topic 11: AWS Migration
11.1 Migrating to the AWS cloud
11.2 Business drivers for migration
11.3 Multiple stages of cloud adoption
11.4 The actual migration process
11.5 Migration tools and services in AWS
11.6 Migrating customers to AWS cloud
11.7 Track the progress of application migration
11.8 Variety of migration consisting data migration, application migration and databases migration
Topic 12: AWS Security
12.1 AWS cloud security essentials
12.2 Penetration testing
12.3 Security compliance
12.4 Infrastructure security
12.5 Mitigating DDOS
12.6 Identity and Access Control (IAM)
12.7 Logging and monitoring
12.8 Automatic audits and compliance
12.9 Restrictions and challenges of native AWS security
Topic 13: Infrastructure Setup
13.1 Installation of Devops Tools on AWS
13.1.1 Git
13.1.2 Docker
13.1.3 Selenium
13.1.4 Maven
13.1.5 Jenkins
13.1.6 Puppet
13.1.7 Ansible
13.1.8 Kubernetes
13.1.9 Nagios
Topic 14: Preface to Devops
14.1 What is Software Development
14.2 Software Development Life Cycle
14.3 Traditional Models for SDLC
14.4 Why Devops?
14.5 What is Devops?
14.6 Devops Lifecycle
14.7 Devops Tools
Topic 15: Software Version Control
15.1 What is Version Control
15.2 Variety of Version Control System
15.3 Preface to SVN
15.4 Preface to Git
15.5 Git Lifecycle
15.6 Common Git Commands
15.7 Working with Branches in Git
15.8 Merging Branches
15.9 Resolving Merge Conflicts
15.10 Git Workflow
Topic 16: Containerization using Docker – Part I
16.1 Preface to Docker
16.2 Comprehending Docker Lifecycle
16.3 Components of Docker Ecosystem
16.4 Common Docker Operations
16.5 Creating a DockerHub Account
16.6 Committing changes in a Container
16.7 Pushing a Container Image to DockerHub
16.8 Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile
Topic 17: Containerization using Docker – Part II
17.1 What are Docker Volumes
17.2 Implementing a Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network
17.3 Using Docker Compose to deploy containers
17.4 What is Container Orchestration
17.5 Container Orchestration Tools
17.6 Preface to Docker Swarm
17.7 Implementing a 2-Node Cluster using Docker Swarm
Topic 18: Composition Management using Puppet
18.1 Need of Composition Management
18.2 Composition Management Tools
18.3 What is Puppet
18.4 Puppet Architecture
18.5 Setting up Master Slave using Puppet
18.6 Puppet Manifests
18.7 Puppet Modules
18.8 Applying configuration using Puppet
18.9 Puppet File Server
Topic 19: Composition Management using Ansible
19.1 What is Ansible?
19.2 Ansible vs Puppet
19.3 Ansible Architecture
19.4 Setting up Master Slave using Ansible
19.5 Ansible Playbook
19.6 Ansible Roles
19.7 Applying composition using Ansible
Topic 20: Continuous Testing
20.1 What is Continuous Testing?
20.2 What is Maven?
20.3 Executing Test Cases on Chromium Web Driver
20.4 What is Headless Mode?
Topic 21: Continuous Integration using Jenkins
21.1 Preface to Continuous Integration
21.2 Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
21.3 Comprehending CI/CD Pipelines
21.4 Setting up an end to end automated CI/CD Pipeline
Topic 22: Continuous Orchestration using Kubernetes
22.1 Preface to Kubernetes
22.2 Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
22.3 Kubernetes Architecture
22.4 Implementing Kubernetes using Kubeadms
22.5 Alternate ways of Implementing Kubernetes
22.6 YAML Files
22.7 Setting up a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
22.8 Services in Kubernetes
22.9 Ingress in Kubernetes
Topic 23: Continuous Monitoring using Nagios
23.1 What is Continuous Monitoring
23.2 Preface to Nagios
23.3 Nagios Architecture
23.4 Monitoring Services in Nagios
23.5 What are NRPE Plugins
23.6 Monitoring System Info using NRPE plugins
Topic 24: DevOps on AWS
24.1 How to implement DevOps principles and methodology on the AWS platform
24.2 DevOps lifecycle and the important levels in the DevOps methodology
24.3 What is AWS CodeBuild
24.4 AWS CodeCommit
24.5 AWS CodePipeline
24.6 AWS CodeDeploy
Topic 25: Implementing Infrastructure with Terraform
25.1 Installing Terraform – Windows Users
25.2 Installing Terraform – Linux Users
25.3 Selecting Right IDE for Terraform IAC development
25.4 Creating first EC2 instance with Terraform
25.5 Terraform Code – First EC2 Instance
25.6 Comprehending Resources & Providers
25.7 Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform
25.8 Destroying Specific Resource
25.9 Comprehending Terraform State files
25.10 Comprehending Desired & Current States
25.11 Challenges with the current state on figured values
25.12 Terraform Commands – State Files
25.13 Terraform Provider Versioning
25.14 Types of Terraform Providers
25.15 Comprehending Attributes and Output Values in Terraform
25.16 Attribute Resource (Document)
25.17 Referencing Cross-Account Resource Attributes
25.18 Terraform Variables
25.19 Data Types for Variables
25.20 Collecting Data from Maps and List in Variable
25.21 Terraform Format
25.22 Validating Terraform Composition Files
Topic 26: Terraform Modules & Workspaces
26.1 What is Infrastructure as a code
26.2 Iac vs Composition Management
26.3 Preface to Terraform
26.4 Installing Terraform on AWS
26.5 Basic Operations in terraform
26.5.1 init
26.5.2 plan
26.5.3 apply
26.5.4 destroy
26.6 Terraform Code Basics
26.7 Implementing and end-to-end architecture on AWS using Terraform
The term AWS DevOps is used to refer the various methods that emphasize collaboration and communication between software developers and information technology professionals, when automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure change. DevOps is a company software development phrase used to understand some kind of active relationship between development and IT operations.
AWS is one of the best cloud service providers and DevOps, on the other hand, is an hourly requirement of software development lifecycle implementation. The following factors make AWS DevOps the most popular combination:
1. AWS CloudFormation- DevOps teams need to create and deliver cloud instances and services rather than traditional development teams. AWS CloudFormation lets you do this. Templates for AWS resources such as EC2 cases, ECS containers and S3 storage buckets.
2. AWS EC2- AWS EC2 speaks for itself. You can run containers in EC2 instances. That’s why you can leverage AWS security and maintenance features.
3. AWS CloudWatch- This monitoring tool lets you track every resource that AWS has to offer. Plus it makes it very easy to use third party tools for monitoring like Sumo Logic etc.
4. AWS CodePipeline- CodePipline is a popular feature from AWS, which simplifies the way you manage your CI / CD tool set. It allows you to integrate with tools like GitHub, Jenkins and CodeDeploy.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a methodology. It is a set of practices to ensure faster delivery of software deployment. To stay relevant in the market these days, companies are expected to deploy quality software in defined timelines. Hence, the dev and the ops teams are extremely important.
DevOps is the process of integrating developers and operations teams in order to improve collaborations and productivity. This is done with automation of workflows, productivity and continuous measurement of application performance.
Why Devops on Cloud?
Devops becomes twice as much efficient and beneficial when clubbed with the cloud. It can help an organization deliver new software features much faster in a more effective manner. Many organizations try to fix their application development processes by shifting from waterfall to devops. Devops alone won’t be that effective so public and private cloud solutions are now evolving together with devops. This brings product at a faster rate to market through quick access to development.
The importance of cloud platform is as follows:
1. Reduction of cloud complexity and maintenance of servers
2. Increased security
3. Elimination of downtime
4. Increased scalability
This is the reason why we need a cloud platform, so now as we know the importance of cloud platform let us know about AWS which is one of the cloud platform.
What is AWS?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a suite of service which offers cloud-computing services / platforms at affordable rate. Therefore, making customer base strong from small-scale to big enterprises.
AWS is Popular, efficient and Easy to use.
Cloud computing is basically the use of servers on the internet to store, manage and process data as opposed to an actual physical server or personal computer. AWS is an IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service, which basically gives you a server in the cloud that you have a complete control over. In an IaaS, you are responsible for managing everything staring from the OS to the application you are running.
What is AWS DevOps?
AWS is one of the best cloud service providers and DevOps, on the other hand, is the implementation of the software development lifecycle. This is why companies are looking to hire DevOps and AWS architects that can help them build this process and design better apps and software, faster and in a more sophisticated manner.
What is a CICD pipeline ?
A CICD (continuous integration and continuous deployment) pipeline is a series of step that must be performed in order to deliver a new version of software. CI is basically continuous integration which means bringing together all the developers working copies to a shared man line i.e., developers working on the parallel branches of a certain upgrade of an application merge their changes into one main branch. CD stands for continuous delivery and deployment while the CI includes building and testing our application. Continuous deployment is about the process that have to happen after the code is integrated for the app to be delivered to the users. This process involve testing, staging and deploying the code.
AWS Devops Components:
Devops when implemented on AWS becomes a lot more efficient and effective for a productive life cycle. Steps that are involved in AWS DEVOPS are
1. AWS Code commit
2. AWS Code pipeline
3. AWS Code build
4. AWS Code deploy
5. AWS Code star
AWS Code Commit :
AWS Code Commit is a fully-managed source control service that hosts, secured and is highly scalable.
Git-based repository without the need of operating the system is mainly designed for the developers who are supposed to store the version their code securely and reliably.
AWS Code Pipeline :
AWS Code Pipeline is the combination of continuous integration and continuous delivery service. It has quicker and more reliable infrastructure and application updates. It automatically builds tests and deploys a user code whenever there is a code change and it is completely based on user-defined release process models. It also integrates with the AWS services like AWS code commit, amazon s3 code deploy beanstalk OpWorks and AWS Lambda. It automates release process, speeds up your delivery quality, allows you to choose your tools of choice, establish consistent release processes and provide a pipeline history detail as your source of truth.
AWS Code Build:
AWS Code Build is a fully managed build service in the cloud. AWS Code Build can compile your source code and runs unit test which produces artifacts that are ready to deploy.
AWS Code Deploy :
Code deploy is a service that coordinates your application deployment and updates across the fleet of AWS EC2 of any size.
Important factors of AWS DevOps
1. Predictability: DevOps offers significantly low failure rate of new releases.
2. Reproducibility: Version everything so that earlier version can be restored anytime.
3. Maintainability: Effortless process of recovery in the event of a new release crashing or disabling the current system.
4. Time to market: DevOps reduces the time to market up to 50% through streamlined software delivery. This is particularly the case for digital and mobile applications.
5. Greater Quality: DevOps helps the team to deliver better quality of application development as it has infrastructure issues.
6. Reduced Risk: DevOps includes security features in the software delivery lifecycle. This helps reduce errors in the life cycle.
7. Resiliency: The operational state of the software system is more stable, secure, and changes are audited.
8. Cost Efficiency: DevOps provides cost efficiency in the software development process, which is always the aspiration of managing IT companies.
9. Breaks larger code base into small pieces: DevOps relies on an agile programming method. As such, it allows large code bases to be broken down into smaller and manageable components.
The role of an AWS DevOps professional is not just taking care of one task or taking up one responsibility. He has to juggle between multiple roles in order to do justice to the position that is assigned to him. There is a need to have various skillsets like coding, integration, and testing. Responsibilities of the AWS DevOps professional also includes solving the organizational problems and improving the business process.
Our subject matter experts with 10+year’s experience in DevOps will give you the best training possible. Candidate can choose the training timing according to their comfort and also go on weekends or weekdays sessions. We are also providing the fast track sessions for AWS DevOps Online training. We at IdesTrainings, provide training with real-time implementations. AWS DevOps Training course duration is 35 hours. To get the good knowledge and to explore the AWS DevOps Training, join IdesTrainings.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who should go for this training?
The following professionals can go for this course:
– System Administrators
– Software` Developers
– Cloud Professionals
– Solution Architects
– Project Manager
– Technical Lead
2. Why should you learn AWS DevOps Training?
AWS provides services which will help you to practice Devops at your company which is built first for the use of AWS. These tools can automate the manual tasks, help team manage complex environment at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps.
Devops is the platform where the operations meet Development, which is the integration between software development and IT operation. This provides better services to customer so, most of the companies choose to implement AWS Devops as it helps to align the development process with operation so as to provide fast, accurate and customized deliverable to clients .
3. What skills will you learn in this DevOps training course?
After completing the DevOps training course, you will achieve hands-on expertise in various aspects of DevOps delivery model. They are:
– Describe DevOps & DevSecOps methodologies and their key concepts
– Explain the types of version control systems, continuous integration tools, continuous monitoring tools, and cloud models
– Work with: Git with GitHub and Git with Bitbucket
– Configure your private Jenkins, TeamCity tools, and Jenkins with Java, Git, and Maven
– Set up a test-driven development framework with Junit 5 and a behavior-driven development framework with cucumber
– Describe the importance of Chef and Puppet. Perform demonstration on Ansible
– Work on the creation of Docker containers, Registry, Docker Compose, Docker Hub, and Docker Networking. Describe the importance of Grafana and ELK Stack. Perform demonstration on Nagios
– Describe the importance of cloud in DevOps, use of AWS in DevOps, and deploy your private Kubernetes cluster
– Set up your complete private infrastructure using version control systems and CI/CD tools
4. What is the passing score of AWS DevOps certified engineer professional exam?
The passing score of AWS DevOps certified engineer professional exam is 750 out of 1000.
5. What is the average salary of an AWS DevOps professional?
The average salary of an AWS DevOps professional is $135K per annum.