Introduction to CCNP Training:
CCNP Training at Idestrainings – The Cisco certified network professional, one of the best IT certifications out there to get seriously the best and Cisco revamped all of them, well not yet it’s all going down February 2020. With these changes Cisco has made the CCNP crazy valuable for us. When I say Cisco changed CCNP, they took it and turn it upside down, every one of the CCNP’s out there is different now. It is a professional level cert when you first start out learning networking, you typically get your CCNA the Cisco Certified Network Associate, that is the base level and then you move up to the professional level. Idestrainings provide best CCNP security training by experts from India at your flexible timings.
IdesTrainings offers best quality CCNP online training. CCNP training conducted on the best interactive platform with one-to one teaching style by IT experts. Course materials developed with industry updates for best grooming of the students.

What’s new in CCNP Training?
- How you can get your CCNP with the new CCNP model? You can go with CCNP, don’t have to get CCNA anymore with this new CCNP. There is a huge change, the reason that is because we saw from an industry perspective, there are different levels. Why should you have to go through this ladder approach.
- Before you jump to any CCNP track, you had to have the CCNA, SO if you want to become CCNP routing and switching, it had to have your CCNA routing and switching you had to have CCNA routing and switching, If you wanted to take your CCNP security, you had to have your CCNA security.
- This is no longer the case you can jump to any CCNP certification exam, pass the exam and get credit for. In fact, I think across the board with any cisco certification, you can jump to any. So if you have no certification under your belt at all you can jump to any cisco certification borrowing the CCIE lab which has one prerequisite.
- So theoretically you could skip the new CCNA training which if you don’t know about the new CCNA they changed that too, go straight to do CCNP although I woudn’t recommend it, there is knowledge that the CCNA has.
Overview of CCNP training:
- In new CCNP we have 5 technology tracks. Remember there was one with CCNA but with the CCNP there are 5 tracks, enterprise service provider, data center, security and collaboration. Within those technology core exam something that regardless of where we will talk about concentrate later where you choose to concentrate every CCNP engineer within that technology track. These are foundation skills that they need to have at the level that they need to know them.
- So each track has its own specific technology core and then you take the technology core and you pick one of the concentrations within your track that gets you to be CCNP. This is where the CCNP gets interesting because you can decide what type of CCNP you want to be with each track. So for example if I want to be CCNP security I could be a different type of CCNP security than someone else you have got a CCNP security.
- One of the exam you require to pass before you can get CCNP certified is called the core exam, you must take the core exam. Each of the CCNP tracks from security to enterprise to whatever has a core exam that one you don’t have a choice in you to take that one.
- So there is an enterprise core, there is a security core, a data center core and then the next exam you have got options, you can choose from a list of exams and that is really where it becomes super interesting. Each of the CCNP tracks has their own unique list of concentrations, exams you can take and become certified in it. Let’s look at the CCNP enterprise for example I think that will be the popular track people go down.
- We have a choice of six concentrations and you only need to choose one which means that if you get your CCNP enterprise and you are CCNP enterprise certified, you are just one type of CCNP enterprise because there could be five other people who have a different type. So for example I could say I want to be the typical CCNP routing and switching guard that exists now right? When you get your CCNP routing, switching you know a lot about routing and you know a lot about switching.
- You can do that still, the tracker that is you get your encore like everyone must and then you choose your ENARSI advance routing. So if you choose this one and that one your CCNP certified. What’s your CCNP certified that is really focused on routing but then you might have another person come up and decides that he really cares about SD-WAN, so he takes his on core exam, he takes his SD-WAN exam and suddenly we have a different type of CCNP enterprise but they care about SD-WAN.
CCNA is just one exam same thing for everybody ad it’s not even a prerequisite but you get your CCNA and then you choose your CCNP track. So it could be enterprise, it could be security but then it’s no longer just CCIE, there is some stuff in the middle first because at the CCNP enterprise level you can become a different type of enterprise, you can be advanced routing, you can be an SD-WAN person, wireless automation which is insane. You can become a different type of CCNP, so it’s kind of like speeding out in a weird way now. It covers all these disciplines. Are you passionate in doing certifications? You are at the right place, We provide best CCNP certification training by industry experts at your flexible timings.
What is Network Automation in CCNP Security training?
- Network automation, Network programmability has been a huge thing we have been talking about for a long time but the Cisco certifications have kind of been like they haven’t been there. If you choose CCNP enterprise and you take that technology core exam, there will be automation on that exam.
- Automation has occupied 15% of your exam that’s a lot. Will there be Python on this exam? Well, Interpret basic Python training concepts and scripts. To me, It seems like you are going to have to know some python at the base level as a network engineer. No matter what you pick this is your concentration, you are going to need to know some automation you are going to have to know some Python. You are going to have to know JSON, YANG, Chef, Puppet, Ansible list goes on.
- Well, they have a whole concentration just for Network automation. From foundation you get just a bunch of Python stuff then you look at API device. API’s is not how to work with DNA centres, it is not just enterprise exam, if you go to other CCNP tracks look at the CCP security and look at just the core exam. It might not jump out of you first because you don’t see a specific domain covering automation but if you open up like security concepts.
The technology core for every track you have to go down, if you want to become security, got the security core enterprise, enterprise core. Two interesting thoughts about is firstly what is the purpose of the exam, what’s it designed for? When the examples we have been using in CCNP enterprise and in CCNP security. Although, we are providing flexibility in choices we also had to make sure there is some common ground that people can hinge to and that common ground is that let’s take an example of enterprise, so what is that common knowledge if both are CCNP enterprise how do we differentiate ourselves and how do we common ourselves. Idestrainings is best in providing CCNP training with live projects by real time experts.
Features of CCNP Security Training:
- So the hiring manager knows that there are some basic fundamental foundation core body of knowledge that we both know which is our technology core exam and then the specialist concentration that one person is specialized in Wireless and another person is specialized in SD_WAN so both choose different concentration but what is hooking up is the CCNP Security training enterprise which is the common ground which is the technology core knowledge and why not be able to say that I have core foundation an enterprise core what we call it now. Foundation of these are all the technologies and skills I need to know from a general whole perspective and then you can specialize in all these other key areas that might suit me in my day-to-day job tasks or you want to expand your technology and go for something a little bit different. So the exam is a baseline it’s everything you need to know as a security or enterprise or service provider engineer. It’s the baseline before you concentrate on something else.
- CCNP routing and switching which is three exams and they are hard exams and one exam is the route big book for the route and one exam is a switch and you study just switching technologies smaller book hard and then you have the troubleshooting exam where you apply all those things and you apply trouble shooting methodologies and even bigger book hard.
- The technology core exams, how can they possibly encompass all of that knowledge, it’s a lot and of course none of us have seen the exam. What’s important about that is you can’t test on everything like as much as you want to have a CCIA exam that is 200 hours long and includes absolutely every possible looking something you can test that and it’s not practical and that’s not what customers environments are I mean it’s not what you are going to expect.
- So when you are looking at the CCNP core, it’s what the entire fundamental are that you would need to know. In all the different areas that were kind of spread out before and the reason that’s important is you need to know some routing and switching, you need to know some quality of service.
- The key of importance is that when we are talking about these new technologies and these new certifications is that you can’t expect to go as deep within that wide. So we trying to round it out and make it so. It’s simpler for everybody, and then you can choose how deep you want to go in what technology you want to go to but then by building that baseline, you know that if you went for your CCNP core you are here, you have at least have this fundamental knowledge of all of these things.
Conclusion of CCNP training:
What’s the bottom line? This certification holds a ton of weight in the IT industry, you should definitely get one if not multiple and in a lot of cases, not every case, it can replace a degree. They have changed what they think, you need a notice like the enterprise core exam includes a lot of technologies at the CCNP routing, switching exams did not cover. There is stuff on wireless and security, things that we would not have gotten in the routing and switching track. So they have redefined and changed what they think an engineer at the NP level needs to know for a baseline in each of those technology tracks. So what are you waiting for? Register for best CCNP Security training by industry experts at flexible timings.