Dynatrace loadrunner ,selinium,splunk,jmeter Introduction:
Dynatrace loadrunner can be used with the HP LoadRunner. HTTP Requests generated by the LoadRunner´s Virtual User Generator. Selenium is a free Web Application Testing System. It gained an lots of popularity since it is in available. JMeter to do some simple synthetic transactions on our production environments & added a number of listeners to capture the summary of test runs to an XML file.
Overview of Dynatrace loadrunner ,selinium,splunk,jmeter:
Dynatrace LoadRunner works by an creating of the virtual users take the place of the users operating the client software, such as an Internet Explorer sending requests by using the HTTP protocol to IIS or the Apache web servers. Requests from many of the virtual user clients are generated by the “Load Generators” in order to create an various load on servers under the test. The Controller controls load test runs based on the “Scenarios” invoking compiled in the “Scripts” & then associated “Run-time Settings”.
Scripts are crafted by using the “Virtual user script Generator” (named as “V U Gen”), It generates the C-language script code to be executed by the virtual users by capturing the network traffic between the Internet application clients & the servers.
Java clients, VuGen captures calls by the hooking within the client of JVM. During runs, of the status of each machine is monitored by an Controller. At the end of each of the run, the Controller combines its monitoring logs with the logs obtained from the load generators, & makes them available to the “Analysis” the program, which can then create run the result reports & graphs for then the Microsoft Word, Crystal Reports, or an HTML webpage of the browser.
Each HTML report page generated by the Analysis includes a link to results in the text file which Microsoft Excel can be open to perform the additional analysis. Errors during the each run are stored in the database which can be read by the using Microsoft Access
Selenium can automate with any part of the web page if it is based on the HTML. So if you want to check with it, open the CRM web application, open the browser console & then confirm if all the elements required for your automation of test are based on the HTML.
Splunk provides the engine for the machine data . Splunk software collects, indexes & the harnesses the machine-generated by the big data coming from an websites, applications, servers, networks & the mobile devices that power business. Splunk software enables the organizations to monitor, search, analyze, visualize & to act on massive streams of real-time & the historical machine data. record an simple script, run it with the multiple threads & that script would work for just fine. However, most of an applications that we build & test are not that much simple.