Introduction to Microsoft Azure training:
Microsoft Azure training at Idestrainings – Using computers in the cloud can make lots of sense. Rather than buying and maintaining your own machines and software. Now a days it is very hard to have a conversation with an IT professional these days without the topic of cloud coming up. So Microsoft has come up with its module called as Microsoft Azure, which is a cloud-based system. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing operating system, which is capable to connect, manage & run all its machines in Microsoft Cloud Datacenters. This is designed to run User interface (UI) applications at scalable and reliable manner. Microsoft Azure certification Training guides you how to manage your virtual machines entirely under your full administration. Enroll at IdesTrainings and know how Azure can also be used- just to store data for applications that run on-premises, outside of the public cloud.
Prerequisites of Microsoft Azure Training:
- Experience with Visual Studio 2010.
- Knowledge in a .NET language preferably C#.
- Knowledge of ASP.NET.
- Familiarity with SQL Server 2008.
- The basics of cloud computing, server provisioning and networking can be beneficial.
Microsoft Azure Online Training Course Details:
- Course Name: Microsoft Azure Training
- Mode of Training: We provide Online Training and Corporate Training for Microsoft Azure Course
- Duration of Course:30 Hrs (Can be customized as per the requirement)
- Do you Provide Materials: Yes, If you register with IdesTrainings, the Microsoft Azure Training Materials will be provided.
- Course Fee: After register with IdesTrainings, our coordinator will contact you.
- Trainer Experience:15 years+ of experience
- Timings: According to one’s feasibility
- Batch Type: We provide all types of batches like Regular, Weekends and Fast track
- Backup Session: If the student misses the session, we also provide backup session

Intro preview of Microsoft Azure certification Training:
Microsoft Azure is a platform as a service result and it is a complete suite of cloud products. It allows you to build applications using your preferred tools and frameworks.
Overview on Microsoft Azure Training :
- Now a day’s Microsoft Azure is gaining more popularity in Cloud Computing & most of the Organizations have started to explore Azure & planning their cloud deployment, Microsoft made Windows Azure as an flexible platform that provides extended support far beyond. Microsoft Azure Training provides you a comprehensive set of services that enable you to quickly build, deploy and manage applications across a global network which is flexible.
- Active directory was doing care so a ADDS or Active Director Domains Services is a traditional server role on windows server, right I mean were doing this since ever and what it does is that it’s a feature of windows server and it can be deployed on physical or virtual machines no different nothing that you do not know .We are rich in providing Microsoft Azure online training by real time experts.
- Active directory is obviously not your several role and you know you were not really deployed it to a physical and virtual machine Azure active directory is actually is actually the service that’s provided by Microsoft Tools training is you’re so it’s like a the headline from is a service offering Microsoft is taking care of everything there you just giving you know a platform or just giving you an interface to create your directory.
- The Microsoft Azure Training is the one of the most popular corporate training course .we provide the best and expert trainer for Azure Directory Training and we have a related for this training is IdesTrainings gives best online Authentication directory Training at reasonable price. If you are passionate for doing certifications, Idestrainings provide Microsoft Azure training with certifications. For more information please do contact our help desk.
- Idestrainings for more details visit our website Idestrainings and our team is always ready to help you in any corporate training so keep in touch us.
Who can learn Microsoft Azure Training ?
- Knowledge, hands on experience on Visual studio.
- Knowledge in a .NET language preferred language is c#.
- Knowledge about SQL Server 2008.
How to prepare Microsoft Azure certification Training?
This exam is for people who have a clear understanding of how Microsoft Azure training works you should have experience in this domain and should have a clear understanding about how architecture works when we talk about a particular cloud platform now in cloud to we have focus on designing various patterns or Application now as a person. If you are interested in learning fundamentals, we provide Microsoft Azure fundamentals training with real time use cases.
- Who to appearing for this exam you need to have that approach and understanding of those that approach and understanding of those concepts as well as we moved further we would be discussing these topics in detail for now all you need to understand is you need to have a complete knowledge.
- How an architect’s perspective when you do go ahead and approach for this particular examination and you need to understand how an architect thinks in these situations you need to understand of various architectural styles now I am referring to styles emptier application or may be your monolithic applications your micro services which is a new approach towards software architecture
- Now you should have an understand of all this things and a desire to go head and learn how designing works so if you have an interest in these things then yes this certification training is for you as in our Idestrainings
- Do I have your attention? Now we need to understand coding and all those things and for this exam No but this is not completely true even if you do go and crack this exam you need to understand you would be working with Azure platform you are expected to deal with various integrity of developing a particular software.
- When I talk about software we are talking about different programming languages yes you won’t be coding but you still need to understand what is working where and how.
What is Microsoft Azure?
Microsoft Azure is an online portal through which you can manage resources and services. Resources and services means storing the data and transform the data using services that Microsoft provides. All you need is internet and being able to connect to the Microsoft Azure portal, then you get access to all the resources and their services.
- It is launched on February 1st, 2010.
- It is free to start and also provides pay-per-use model.
It supports multiple programming languages like C#, Node.JS, Java etc.
It has datacenters in 42 regions around the world.
Why Microsoft Azure?
Microsoft Azure is a platform which can be used easily. It is a secured platform and scalable as well. It provides performance-efficient storage services. The scaling up is easy where you have to specify the number of processors for the applications to use. The pricing for Microsoft Azure is also reasonable as it charges only for the services used. It reduces the cost of creating, debugging, testing and distributing web-based applications.
Here are some of the Azure Services
Azure services are divided into 18 categories and contains more than 200 services. It has services that cover Compute, AI Machine Learning, Integration, Management tools, Identity, DevOps and much more.
- Compute Services
Virtual Machine – Create Windows or Linux virtual machines of any configuration in a matter of seconds.
Cloud Service – Users can create scalable applications within the cloud using the virtual machines whose provisioning, load balancing and health monitoring are handled by Azure post-deployment.
Functions – Easily build applications using serverless functions in any programming language of the user’s choice.
- Networking Services
Azure CDN – Azure CDN services are used for delivering high bandwidth content to users worldwide.
Virtual Network – Virtual Network enables Azure resources to securely communicate with each other.
Azure DNS – Azure DNS is a hosting service that allows the user to host their DNS domains in Azure.
- Storage Services
Disk Storage – Provides cost-effective HDD/SSD options which can be used with Azure Virtual Machines.
File Storage – Managed file storage in the cloud that are accessible via industry standard server message block (SMB) protocol.
Queue Storage – Queue storage provides durable message queuing for large workloads and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Learn Features of Microsoft Azure in our Microsoft Azure certification Training:
- when you talk about Microsoft Azure Training many people a head and use something called as Power-Shell now it is not something that required you to have rocket science knowledge of coding but at least the basics as in how a Power-Shell would works what are the commands you need to use and how do you reach root directory and where the problem is all this these things. If you are interested to learn advance topics, we are best in providing Microsoft Azure training by professionals.
- You need some development background or implementation background if you do hard that would definitely help it is not a mandate for this certification but understanding definitely would hold you know much better state so it’s your call to take but I would suggest that you still try and prepare some basics about programming language
- Those things try to understand what dot net framework is and what programming language is it basically supports because if you have an understanding of all those points for Microsoft Azure Training
- we have ever learned you can have users and groups created in this directory you can expand, an premise is active directory implementation to measure so this is a hybrid configurations so what this does without getting into too much details this hybrid implementation you can have your active directory on prime the domain controller that we all know you can have all that active directory information expand to your cloud environment as your Azure Active directory
- There are tools to do that to make sure that this both are inside this by means that Azure Active Directory is like domain control that is replica or domain control in that was extending from on premise is active directory don’t think that this is not a secondary domain control or anything we get into this later Microsoft Azure Training
Learn Microsoft Azure Fundamentals in our Microsoft Azure Training:
The Microsoft Azure Training has its Active Directory and as you’re an active directory domain services store directory data and manages communication between users and resources including user login processes authentication and directory search searches so this to are similar because they both are popular directory
- What’s the bottom line? Microsoft Azure Training it has Azure directory made them have many things they bought are just a directory which stores information it helps you create all this login processes and authentication directory search searches its only not users is also other resources right.
- What’s happening here is that this point here is the similarities between this two thinks as radian and DDS, having said that as you’re ad is primarily an identity solution. There is a lot of things as you’re ready will not do like a you know services on premises. General theme here is that we would to use this active trickery as your activity.
- how does purposes it has a flat structure Microsoft Azure Training and it does not have object unites and it’s on use organizational units or whatever it’s you call it so it will not see that family console where you go and see multiple use and you’ll kept clicking them it’s a tree structure you’re not going to see that as your active directory is flat structure. If you are interested in learning more about this course, Idestrainings provide Microsoft Azure training with live projects. Please don’t miss this excellent opportunity. Hurry Up!!
- Microsoft Azure Training it cannot be quarried through LDAP so this is a very important thing that you’re active directory on premise is does you can have any application or LDAP quarries you can do to that so you’re active directory uses REST API over HTTP it’s also called AD graph API .
- Microsoft Azure Training term somewhere so you’re basically making basically I calls to quarry as well as powerful on the functions sure rating and obviously can have your applications make those calls for the integration is actually more , it’s not that held up was not a very in a version standard but it gets going towards wrist. We are best in providing Microsoft Azure corporate training by experts.
What Is The Use Of Microsoft Azure training?
You might be wondering, The Microsoft Azure Training is an identity management service because this is no different from on-premises rain and it’s about cloud based directory and it is also something that provides secure access for organizations and users for applications in the clouds as well as on-premises.
- This can be some sort of an idea applications or secure access options for his applications that are cloud native which means they are born in the cloud as well as on-premises and it will start making more sense as we keep going in session it’s multi-tenant
- All the organizations that are subscribing to Azure or other services as you will see has an as Azure active directory created from them and it’s not like your connecting to one large active directory.
- Microsoft provides and you have you know everything together Microsoft make sure that whenever your active director is created my one is every one create there is some sort of distinction there in separation there so they don’t match you can’t in fact view other people directory. If you want to learn advance topics, We provide Microsoft Azure training with real time scenarios. Join today in Idestrainings for best Microsoft Azure Training.
- What can be it used for so it can be used for access to applications so that means that you have been application that you’ve created on the cloud on-premises you can use as your active directory to provide access to that you can configure as sold which is single sign-on, and there are multiple partners that keeps adding themselves to keep building partnerships with Azure to Microsoft Azure Training to provide partnerships and you may have a log in somewhere else and you could use your Azure active directory credentials to log in to those websites of those applications you can professionally the user some groups this is no different from any active directory.
Conclusion of Microsoft Azure Training:
- In short, Microsoft Azure is a cloud service used in many organizations which helps to meet their business challenges. Microsoft Azure is a buzz word in the industry and there is a huge demand for this course. Trust me; you are going to have a good career as a Microsoft Azure Developer. So what are you waiting for? Come and be a part of Microsoft Azure. Idestrainings is the best place for learning Microsoft Azure. If the candidates miss any of the sessions due to some unavailability, we will give assurance for back-up sessions. At the end of every week the review sessions will be taken, so that the attendees can recollect the topics. As it an Online Trainings, the timings will be according to the candidate feasibility.
- As our trainers are real time experts they will help you in giving training at very high level for real time projects. At the end of the session we will discuss regarding the interview questions which will help you out in cracking the interviews. Our Consultant will help you in preparing the resume and certifications.