Introduction to ReactJS Training:
React is Java script Library used to create fancy user interfaces for mobile and desktop applications. It is widely used and preferred by other frameworks for front-end development. It is an open-source, reusable component based front-end library. React divides the UI into multiple components, which makes code easier to debug, and each component has its own property and function. Components makes development and maintenance of web applications faster as multiple members can work simultaneously on different components of the same web application. ReactJS Training is narrow in scope and tightly focused, this means when Reactjs does not implement the entire MVC pattern it focuses purely on the V part i.e. view. Idestrainings provides the best ReactJs training, learners will gain a deeper understanding of ReactJs application developer. IdesTrainings career team guides learners in planning and achieving their career goals.
Prerequisites for ReactJS Training:
One should be familiar with programming concepts like functions, objects, arrays etc., Basic knowledge of java script, familiarity with HTML.
ReactJS Online Training Course Details:
Program Name: ReactJS Training
Duration of the course: 30 Hours (It can be customized as per the requirement).
Mode of Training: We provide Online, Corporate and Classroom training for ReactJS Course. We provide Virtual Job support as well.
Timings: According to one’s feasibility.
Batch type: Regular, weekends and Fast track.
Do you provide Materials: Yes, if you register with Ides Trainings, ReactJS Training materials will be provided.
Basic Requirements: Good internet speed, Headset.
Trainer Experience: 10+ years.
Course Fee: Please register on our website, so that one of our coordinators will contact you.
REACTJS Training Course Content
Module 1: Establishment of ES5 & ES6
1.1 ES5
1.2 ES6
1.3 ES5 VS ES6
1.4 ES5 VS ES6 Syntax Difference
1.5 ES6 Benefits
Module 2: Development of React JS
2.1 Introducing React JS
2.2 web development
2.3 React History
2.4 DOM (Document Object Model)
2.5 DOM Manipulation
2.6 Virtual DOM
2.7 How does React use Virtual DOM
2.8 Virtual DOM vs Real DOM
2.9 Thinking in React
2.10 React one – way data binding
2.11 React two – way data binding
2.12 One-way vs two-way data binding
2.13 Difference b/n one – way data binding & two – way data binding
12.14 Server-side Rendering
12.15 Benefits of using server-side rendering
12.16 Benefits of React.JS
12.17 Timing of React JS? And opting of alternatives?
12.15 Applications of React.js
Module 3: Installing of ReactJS
3.1 Installing Setup of React JS
3.2 Setting up React JS environment
3.3 Using the Create-react-app Command
3.4 Node Package Manager
3.5 Default vs Named Exports
3.6 Let’s Start Coding …. Hello World Program
3.7 React vs Angular vs Vue
3.8 How to Connect React JS with NodeJS
Module 4: Components of React.JS
4.1 Core components of React
4.2 State and Props
4.3 Rendering
4.4 Conditional Rendering
4.5 What is JSX
4.6 Example
4.7 Why JSX
4.8 Advantages of JSX
4.9 Expressions in JSX
4.10 Internal Implementation of JSX
4.11 Hands-on: Creating a react component with jsx
Module 5: React JS Elements & Functions
5.1 Rendering Elements in React.JS
5.2 Hands-on: How does render function work and update DOM
5.3 Hands-on: Styling and CSS
Module 6: Elements of React JS
6.1 What are Components in React JS
6.2 Types of Components
6.3 Functional component
6.4 Class Component
6.5 Functional component vs Class Component
6.6 Generating Class Components
6.7 Generating Functional Components
6.8 Converting Functional Components to Class Components
Module 7: Programming in React JS
7.1 What are Props
7.2 What is State in React JS
7.3 ReactJS (Diff Props vs State)
7.4 Why Props are Read-only
7.5 Constitution of React Components
7.6 Stateless Component
7.7 usage of stateful Component
7.8 Stateful Component vs Stateless Component
Module 8: Arrangement of React Element
8.1 Arranging of React Components
Module 9: Lifecycle Methods understanding
9.1 lifecycle Methods and uses
9.2 Constructor
9.3 Render
9.4 Should component update
9.5 Render
9.6 Component Did Update
Module 10: Programming in ReactJS
10.1 Passing props to child components
10.2 Updating state of React JS component
10.3 What is the significant of Set State function
Module 11: Handling Event
11.1 Events
11.2 Event Handling
Module 12: Conditional Rendering
12:1 Conditional Rendering in React JS
12.2 Logical && Operator
12.3 Switch case operator
12.4 Conditional Rendering with enums
Module 13: Conditional Rendering 2
13.1 Switch case operator continuation
13.2 Conditional Rendering with enums
Module 14: Preventing of Rendering
14.1 Preventing component from rendering
14.2 How to connect ReactJS with Node JS
14.3 Backend Setup
14.4 prop Types
14.5 getDefaultProps
14.6 Binding the context( Inline)
14.7 UI without ReactJS & Problem
14.8 How the ReactJS solving the problem
14.9 Binding the context( Inline)
Module15: List & Keys
15.1 References
15.2 When to use Refs
15.3 When not to use Refs
15.4 How to Create Refs
15.5 How to access Refs
Module 16: Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
16.1 Controlled component
16.2 UnControlled component
16.3 Controlled vs Uncontrolled components in React JS
Module 17: Composition vs Inheritance
17.1 Inheritance
17.2 Using composition in React with Example
17.3 Practice on Composition & Inheritance
17.4 Difference b/n Composition & Inheritance
Module 18: React JS Advance Topics
18.1 context API?
18.2 When to use context API
18.3 How to use Context API
18.4 Fragments
18.5 Why we use Fragments?
18.6 Fragments short Syntax
18.7 Keyed Fragments
18.8 Higher-order components
Module 19: Overview of Redux
19.1 Redux Overview
19.2 Flux
19.3 Flux Elements
19.4 Dispatcher
19.5 Stores
19.7 Actions
19.8 Flux Pros
19.9 Connecting Redux and React
19.10 What is Redux?
19.11 Why use Redux with React. js?
19.12 Redux Architecture?
19.13 Redux Principles
19.14 Redux Components
19.15 What is Redux
19.16 Store
19.17 Action
19.18 Middleware
19.19 What is a Reducer?
Module 20: Router
20.1 Router
20.2 Advantages of Router
20.3 Router Setup
Overview of ReactJS Training:
Reactjs has three important things that has it is a JavaScript library because JavaScript has become very popular in the past few years people have really begin to recognize and take advantage of the power the JavaScript offers to developers and they have started building a lot libraries and lot of structure around it. IdesTrainings is rich in providing ReactJS Certification Training by industry experts.
Why ReactJS?
React is popular these days as it helps in creation of dynamic web applications and provides performance enhancements. There are several performance enhancements like virtual Dom and one-way data binding. React uses reusable components, this helps in the development time. React involves in unidirectional flow of data. React has small learning curve. Compared to other frameworks angular react is much easier to learn. It can also be used for mobile applications. A new extension has released by react which is react native that is used for developing mobile applications that are cross-compatible. For easy debugging, it also has dedicated tools.
What are the Features of React?
JavaScript syntax extension (JSX):
JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript. It is used with React to describe what the user should look like. By using JSX, you can write HTML structures in the same file that contains JavaScript code. JSX helps in making the code easier to understand and debug as it avoids the usage of JS DOM structures which are rather complex. JSX is the combination of Java script and HTML.
Virtual Document Object Model (DOM):
DOM treats an XML or HTML document as a tress structure in which each node is an object representing a part of the document. React creates a virtual DOM that is exact copy of the real DOM. React keeps a lightweight representation of the Real DOM in the memory, and that is known as Virtual DOM. Manipulating the Real DOM is much slower than manipulating virtual DOM, as it gets drawn on screen. When the state of an object changes, only that object in the real DOM is changed instead of updating all the objects.
React uses virtual DOM, which impact the speed of the web applications.
One Way Data Binding:
In this, information flows in only one direction. One way data binding is specifically used when information is displayed not updated. The components of react are functional in nature i.e., they receive information through arguments and pass information while others return values.
Extensions: React goes beyond simple UI and has many extensions for complete application architecture support. It provides server-side rendering which means the application is render on the server rather than on the browser. React extension is used for developing mobile applications, there are many other extensions that react provides. Supports mobile app development. Extended with FLX and Redux, among others.
React Native: A React Native app is a REAL mobile app and NOT just a web app running on mobile. Thousands of apps are using React Native, from established Fortune 500 companies to hot new startups.
Flux: Flux is the application architecture that is used by Facebook. Flux uses unidirectional flow which makes it easier to understand.
React applications are extremely easy to test due to large developer community. Facebook even provides a small browser extension that makes React debugging faster and easier.
What are Components, state & properties?
Components, states and pros are the essential concepts that one should know before implementing react. They are foundation on which react is built.
Components: Components are the building blocks of any React application. A single app usually consists of multiple components, each component defines how a particular element is viewed in the application. React component remain discrete and processed independently. A component is essentially a piece of the user interface. It is like a function that returns HTML elements. It splits the user interface into independent, reusable pieces that can be processed separately.
State: State of the component is an object that holds some data which influences the output of the component. Every time the state of an object changes the component is re-rendered onto the screen.
Properties: Properties allow us to pass arguments or data to components. Properties helps to make components more dynamic it Is important to define all the properties, their types and their default value. Properties are passed to components in the way similar to that of HTML- tag attributes.
How Component Life-cycle Methods plays important role in reactjs training for building java script applications?
Mounting Life Cycle Functions:
Mounting life cycle functions are just the functions that occur when a component is mounted to the Dom, the first one function is get initial state of the component is set the data, then next one is component will mount function is any last minute preparations done before the component is mounted to the Dom.
Render method before this is only one required life cycle method in the component and this returns HTML which is added to the Dom its rendered to the browser. Last one is component did mount after the render function fires and everything is added to the Dom, the component did mount function it is within our component if define it within the component that fireness. According to react this is a good place to load in any external data from a database.
Updating Life Cycle Functions:
Updating lifecycle functions were quite similar to mounting life cycle functions, in this the first function is component will receive props method this called before a component receives any new props, it can use it to compare the current and new props that it’s about to receive and change the state.
If we need to then we have should component update this again is any kind of last-minute preparations or can also return false and don’t want to update the component of a react. Finally have component update which is similar to component did mount and here again can operate on the Dom or perform any network request that must need. If you want to learn more about this course, Idestrainings provide ReactJS training with live projects. For more information please do contact our help desk.
What is the Impact of React on IT industry?
Statistics are that, the react developers earn way more than other web developers. According to pay scale the average salary for React developer across the United States is whopping $91000 USD per year. the average salary for React developer in Inda is ₹725K per year. It has immense popularity and being adopted by, many companies. React has had a better growth scale compared to other frameworks like angular and Vue.
Comparision between ReactJS, Angular and Vue:
MVC Framework:
MVC is an architectural pattern that separates the application layer into Model, View and Controller. It is object-oriented design principle that mandates the separation of control. The model deals with the entity classes, the data and the business logic. Controller drives the functionality. Any changes can be easily factored and isolated as a result testing becomes a whole lot easier.
ReactJS: ReactJS is an open source, front-end JavaScript library. Library is a set of classes or functions and the user is in complete control to call them. It is used to develop web and mobile applications. React represents the view part of the MVC framework.
Angular: Angular is an open source, JavaScript Framework. Frameworks are like modules, they have limited choices and come with blueprint of their own, so the user doesn’t have much control. JavaScript being an interpreted language where code is executed line by line makes all these tools very efficient. Primarily aimed to develop single page applications, angular is a full-fledged MVC framework.
Vue: Vue is also an Open Source, JavaScript Framework. It is used to develop user interfaces and single page applications. Vue is focused on the view and model layer of the MVC framework. Vue deals with the representation of the UI logic of the application.
How Reactjs vs is differ from AngularJS?
The AngularJS is the intense JavaScript Framework. It is utilized as a part of Single Page Application (SPA) ventures. It expands the HTML DOM with the extra properties and makes it more receptive to client activities. The AngularJS is an open source, totally free, and it can be utilized by a large number of engineers all around the globe.It is authorized under the Apache permit form 2.0. AngularJS is a JavaScript system that is expected to make it less demanding to execute the RIA web applications. AngularJS Training is an auxiliary structure for dynamic web applications. It gives you a chance to utilize the HTML as your layout dialect and gives you a chance to stretch out HTML’s grammar to express your application’s parts unmistakably and briefly The AngularJS depends on the MVC design (Model View Control). Reactjs training is a library for building user interfaces views, angular 2 on other hand is more than that angular 2 is a JavaScript framework, which allows to build single page applications.
What is Redux?
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. It helps you to write apps that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, sever, and native), and are easy to test. Redux is a management tool. It can be used with any JavaScript framework or library. Redux stores all the state objects in a single object and in a single store which organizes it. It provides information about the current state of the application. Any changes in the application can be described to this store by the user. It notifies any modifications made to the state of the application.
Conclusion to Reactjs Training:
Reactjs Training makes you learn, a front-end JavaScript Library builds usable and highly interactive UI components and mobile applications. Learn reactjs course to build reactjs applications and master user interfaces developing skill with ease. IdesTrainings provides Classroom, Online Training and Corporate training with the best industry expertise trainers at client premises. By the end of this course, you will be able to ace in all the concepts of ReactJs. Join today in Idestrainings for best ReactJS training. For more information please do contact our help desk.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1.Is ReactJs Front-end or Backend?
ReactJs is an open-source component based front-end library.
2. Which language does Reactjs use?
React uses JavaScript to build cross-platform apps.
3. Mention the life cycle of ReactJs?
It consists of three faces which are Mounting, Updating and Unmounting.
4. What is the latest version of React?
The latest Version of React is React 18
5.What is Redux?
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications.