Sharepoint Application Testing Introduction
Sharepoint application testing is an highly essential part of enterprise-scale SharePoint development, Automated. The different types of testing that you are likely to encounter, this section provides a brief overview of provides information about unit testing for SharePoint applications. For unit testing SharePoint solutions particular, the use of a new isolation, Moles, framework, it demonstrates.
Sharepoint Application Testing conclusion for Job Support
Sharepoint application testing is a technology of the Windows Server that offers an integrated of a portfolio of collaboration & the communication services. It is also an platform for developing the Web-based business of a applications. Taking advantage of this capability, Microsoft has developed on the forty Application Templates for the Windows SharePoint Services to provide out-of-the-box solutions to an address the needs of a specific business processes such as an coordinating Microsoft developed by these freely downloadable by the application templates to be usable in the immediately after the deployment. However, customers & a partners can also use these application templates as the starting point for more than customized solutions, or they can use them as the teaching examples as they build their own ona sophisticated Windows SharePoint Services applications using the Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer.
It describe how Microsoft developed an application templates, identifying the best practices for how to work with the core capabilities within both the Windows SharePoint Services and Office SharePoint Designer , with the goal of empowering customers & a partners to create their own applications. It is not a substitute for an Windows SharePoint Services SDK, nor is it in primarily a developer resource. Developers should use the SDK for understanding the generally how to extend the Windows SharePoint Services.